Getting Started

The best way to get started is by understanding the platform that powers the decentralized Blockchain marketplace. Here is a high level view on how SingularityNet's platform works for you.

By User

AI Consumers

Get started using the service on the SingularityNet platform

AI Developer

Get started with developing a service for the SingularityNet platform

Platform Developers

Get started contributing to the development of the SingularityNet platform

By Tools & Resources

SNET Contracts

Ethereum smart contracts that power the SingularityNet platform

SNET Client

A command line utility to interface with the SingularityNet platform


Daemon exposes an AI application as an API that is accessible through the SingularityNET platform.

Python SDK

Python SDK to invoke AI services on the SingularityNet platform programatically

Java SDK

Java SDK to invoke AI services on Java SE and Android

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